
• Luis Cano •

Hi, I am


Enseño a capturar imágenes increíbles y convertirse en profesionales. Enseño como resaltar al máximo todas las virtudes y valores de los productos, servicios o de una idea para una comunicación efectiva con los consumidores y escalar sus negocios con facilidad.

A través de mis cursos personalizados enseño paso a paso a crear imágenes increíbles manteniendo un equilibrio entre estética y concepto. No importa en el nivel que estés.

He ayudado a muchas personas a mejorar su trabajo fotográfico, analizando las necesidades específicas de cada uno, creando conciencia de la importancia de usar la cámara como una herramienta secundaria y resaltando el ojo como la principal.

Trabajo fuertemente para que nunca más la cámara decida por nosotros, es hora de materializar las ideas.

Así que, si has tratado de entender la fotografía y sus secretos, pero sientes que es muy complicado o esto no es para ti, estás en el lugar correcto.

A través del contenido que encontrarás acá, los cursos o los entrenamientos paso a paso, aprenderás cómo transmitir ideas claras entendiendo todos los componentes y haciendo que trabajen para ti.

Cómo podemos trabajar juntos:

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Fun facts!

  • I love to photograph all day long, even if I don't have a camera, I observe the light, the frames, I imagine a scene... Sometimes when I talk to someone I can't concentrate on the conversation because I'm thinking about the photo I'm taking with my mind.
  • I like to learn new things, I think we should share more and compete less. This reminds me that there is still much to receive and much to give.
  • I love meeting inspiring people and stories, they motivate me to fight for my dreams... There are many of us who have started from scratch and continue fighting for that dream.
  • I can't live without music, it just feeds my soul, from the most urban to the most classic. It helps me organize my ideas. Sometimes the silence stuns me.
  • I love examples, they help me understand and make myself understood better.
  • Cinema is what I enjoy the most, many aspects come together creating harmony to convey an idea or a story.
  • I like to sing, even if I don't know the words or it sounds horrible. Unfortunately I don't have the gift.
  • I love to have a hot or cold coffee, or an ice cream, or a dessert... I love coffee in any presentation.
  • I appreciate people's time. Thank you for that moment you dedicate to me, it is something unique that will not return.
  • I love motivated people who want to fight for their dreams and achieve what they set out to do.
  • I don't exercise much, but sometimes I like to skate, jump rope or hit the punching bag.
  • I am shy, but I like to meet people, listen to stories, learn about victories and failures.
  • And it will sound very cliché, but I also love to travel, I like animals and I want world peace.
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Are you learning about this exciting world of photography? With the mentoring we clear all the doubts you have and you will level up much faster.

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